Artigianato Sociale e Solidale
Di mestiere, produce manufatti di artigianato in cartapesta, terracotta ed altro, spesso proveniente da materiale di riciclo, ma per lui un’opera d’arte non è soltanto lavoro, rappresenta una vocazione ben più grande.
EoF life in the territories
Almost 70 people responded to the invitation of the Global Call on Thursday 11 March, connecting from 24 different countries, representing the life and experiences they are carrying out in places around the globe, as animators of the spirit of EoF, bringing/dropping the global message in their local realities.
"Knowledge, we believe, is one of the most important common goods we should share if we want to improve our lives" - Jump into the keywords of the first EoF school lessons and find out the next ones
EoF SCHOOL | abstracts and info
RETHINKING ECONOMICS STARTING FROM THE COMMONS - Common good is not the sum of individual goods, as well as the knowledge we are producing and sharing via the Economy of Francesco school is not simply the sum of the abstracts of the lessons here reported.
“Un grande dono” – Luigino Bruni ha incontrato Papa Francesco
“Un incontro importante che dice che al Papa sta molto a cuore l'Economy of Francesco. Nelle parole di Papa Francesco l’invito a non fermarci, il desiderio che The Economy of Francesco vada avanti. EoF è una Grazia per tutti. Questa economia va cambiata e solo i giovani lo possono fare”
È con il cuore pieno di gioia e gratitudine che vi scriviamo a qualche giorno dalla conclusione dell’evento che ci ha emozionati e sorpresi. GRAZIE a nome del Comitato Organizzatore e dello staff di Economy of Francesco.
Noi giovani economisti, imprenditori, change makers del mondo, convocati ad Assisi da Papa Francesco, nell’anno della pandemia di COVID-19, vogliamo mandare un messaggio agli economisti, imprenditori, decisori politici, lavoratrici e lavoratori, cittadine e cittadini del mondo.
Aparecida Sanctuary illuminates the Belfry with the colors of EoF
The Belfry of the National Sanctuary of Our Lady in Aparecida will receive special lighting from this Thursday (19). The structure, which houses 13 bells, will receive the colors olive green, light brown and yellow. The action takes place in line with “Economy of Francesco”, an international online event promoted by Pope Francis. The initiative seeks ways for a fraternal and sustainable economy. The lights can be seen until Saturday (21).
Economy of Francesco young participants from 20 countries will take us on an amazing journey through their territories, cultures, experiences, local projects and calls for action.
Transforming reality into the right way up
As part of the preparation for the online event in November, many villages have been activated to tell stories, of what has been lived in these months of work inside the villages. Colin Gilbert, shares with us the story of his friend Patrick Hidalgo.