UN Food System Pre-Summit con The Economy of Francesco

Agosto 6th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

Rivedi la sessione di lavoro della Seconda giornata del pre-vertice Onu sui Sistemi Alimentari del 27 luglio 2021, tenutasi a Roma, promossa dalla Commissione Vaticana Covid-19 insieme a “The Economy of Francesco” e leggi la testimonianza di Lucia Capuzzi, la moderatrice.


Luglio 20th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, Energy and Poverty, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, Villages, WHAT’S ON|

Più di 100 partecipanti registrati, soprattutto dall'America Latina (Brasile, Argentina, Messico, Ecuador e Perù), ma anche dal continente europeo (Russia, Spagna e Italia in testa) nella prima delle quattro MasterClass, organizzate da Economy of Francesco in collaborazione con il World Food Forum.

A fire that kindles other fire… “THE FARM OF FRANCESCO”

Aprile 30th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, Villages, WHAT’S ON|

We decided to focus on degradation of agricultural soils and the challenges that farmers, especially young people and women, all over the world live such as access to education, technology and capital to support their fight against soil degradation.

Decolonizing thoughts and valorizing the indigenous worldview

Settembre 22nd, 2020|Agriculture and Justice, Notizie|

On September 9, the event Access to Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Communities was held via zoom. This dialogue is part of a series of webinars being held by the village of Agriculture and Justice and on this occasion the issue of justice from a Latin American approach was presented.

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