Steps For Peace

The international EoF campaign
From May to September 2024: 8 million steps for peace

On several occasions, Pope Francis has invited everyone to take concrete steps for peace. With The Economy of Francesco, we’d like to take this invitation seriously.

Let’s take as a reference, once again, the example of another Francis who, 800 years ago, arrived unarmed at the gates of Cairo to meet the Sultan of Egypt, al-Malik al-Kamil. Similarly, with the Youth of the Economy of Francesco, we want to walk the 4,000 kilometers (8 million steps) that separate Jerusalem from the city of Assisi. A pilgrimage “divided into parts” to remember all the wars that inflame the world, to which everyone can participate by donating “steps” through a ‘walk form’. A relay race through the 5 continents in which young people will ideally pass the Franciscan cord, a symbol for us of a disarmed economy because it is poor, chaste, and obedient.

The Steps for Peace campaign will conclude in the first week of September when participants in the EoF International Summer School (entitled Homo Mendicans – Companionship, Wandering, and the pursuit of Joy) will walk from Chiusi della Verna to the Sanctuary of La Verna.

At the end, after the 8,000,000 steps or more, an  international delegation will take the Franciscan cord to young people in Jerusalem, simply to ask for peace, with the poverty of words and diplomatic strategies that animated Francis 800 years ago, with the diplomacy on our knees that the Francis of today asks of us. In this way, Assisi, from being a city that calls us to meet in order to build peace, is once again a city from which we set out to beg for peace.

> Watch the video


Crowdfunding Campaign


 Your Support

Due to the huge success of Steps for Peace, we are now raising funds to cover the costs of the delegation’s journey to Jerusalem.
Our goal is to raise 15,000 euros.
Your contribution will help us cover the costs of travel, accommodation and organisation of events in the places we will reach. Our hope is to reach our goal, so that we can also donate aid to the Bethlehem Children’s Hospital, a gesture that further underlines our commitment to peace and solidarity. That is why we ask you to be generous!

How you can help us

Every donation, big or small, is crucial for us. Here’s how you can contribute.
You can donate:

The Steps for Peace journey is an incredible opportunity to sow seeds of peace, dialogue and hope. With your support, we can turn this dream into reality and bring the message of an economy of peace all the way to Jerusalem. Make a difference. Donate now and walk with us for peace!

For information or communication regarding donations, please write to: [email protected]

PLEASE NOTE: We would have liked to provide you with precise information from the outset regarding how your donation would be allocated between covering the costs of the delegation and supporting the children’s hospital. However, due to the current complexity of the international situation, difficulties in securing visas for some members of the international delegation, and the cancellation of certain flights, we are unable to provide a firm estimate of our expenses at this time.
We kindly ask for your trust and assure you that we will provide a detailed account to each donor, whether the donation was €5 or €5,000, of every single expense. This will include the amounts donated to the Custody of the Holy Land and the Jerusalem parish for the hospitality they will provide, as well as the funds that will be donated to the Palestinian Children’s Hospital. If the escalation of the international situation makes it impossible for the delegation to travel to the Holy Land, the entire amount of donations received will be sent to the Children’s Hospital of Bethlehem.

Thank you for your support! 

How does Steps For Peace work? 

  • Invite a group of friends and interested people (at least two! the more people we involve, the more steps we donate to the campaign!!)
  • Choose a route, if possible, that is meaningful and aligned with the themes of peace, unarmed economy, social and environmental justice
  • Use the kit with the dissemination materials
  • Equip yourself with any pedometer, calculate the km/steps travelled and multiply by the number of participants
  • Bring a Franciscan cord (you can easily make one yourself!)
  • Bring the EoF Pact and conclude the march by reading it aloud (consider organising a moment for further reflection on the themes)
  • Capture photos and videos during the march and share them on social media using the hashtags #stepsforpeace #s4p #eof
  • SEND US the total number of steps collected, photos and videos via the Walk Form S4P or by writing to: [email protected]

To donate your Steps for Peace click below:

NOTE: The crowd stepping campaign ended on September 5, if you would like to support S4P you can still join the crowdfunding for the journey to Jerusalem. THANK YOU!

Where to walk for peace

There are no marked paths: anyone can organise Steps for Peace walks anywhere. That is why the march is defined as piecemeal:

S4P – July, 26: On Thursday, July 11, a group of approximately 100 participants embarked on a mountain hike, and more steps in Bolzano, Dakha, on the St. Anthony path, in Mallorca, Cerro de la Virgen de Salta, Assisi, Lisbon (…) READ MORE

S4P – July, 2: On June 8, participants climbed Mte. Cuccitello in Sicily, covering 8 km, where they previously planted trees to protest wildfires and now walked to promote a culture of peace in an economy of peace. And then in Mexico, Monte Subasio, Vietnam, Spain (…) READ MORE

S4P – June, 7: 22 people in Spain walked a path from Casa de Campo (metro Lago) – Sagrado Corazón – Cerro Garabitas – Pasarela de la Muerte – Parque del Oeste – Moncloa for a total of 40.1874 steps, and then in Napoli, Rovereto, Parma (…) READ MORE

S4P – May, 18: In Casalmaggiore, on 22 May, a class walked 5 km: ‘When we reached our destination, we read passages from “Tu non uccidere” by Don Primo Mazzolari and “Lettera ai cappellani militari” by Don Lorenzo Milani’ , and then in Oristano, Palermo  READ MORE


Among the efforts we are making with Economy of Francesco is the attempt to translate the life and message of the son of the merchant of Assisi into gestures of the new economy. We are aware that Francis, trained from his childhood in the school of his father’s workshop, translated (perhaps not always consciously) the message of the Gospel through gestures and words typical of the economy that the Pope asks us to revive. An economy with a soul, an alternative to an economic paradigm that, on the contrary, generates war and death.

One of the moments in Francis’ life that we have not yet studied in depth and would like to place at the center of this project is Francis’ encounter with the Sultan of Egypt. This encounter, in its simplicity, shows that it is possible to go to the “enemy” unarmed, in order to initiate a new dialogue. Similarly, with the Economy of Francesco, we want to journey from Assisi to Jerusalem. In recent years, we have realized that our Gospel economy must find steps to walk on, to incarnate and nourish itself in the wounds of our times, even beyond conferences and university classrooms.


The symbol of this initiative could once again be the Franciscan cord, already present in the logo of EoF and in the etymology of the word peace. Peace comes from the Sanskrit root paç/pak/pag – to bind, to weld, to unite, which is also found in the Sanskrit of the word paç-as: cord. Thus the cord becomes a symbol of an economy of peace built through dialogue. The Pope also recently called for the courage of dialogue, the need to find agreements, to tie knots on a cord. The courage of the cord will be the symbol of this long journey.

We would like to ask all the pilgrims to carry a Franciscan cord during their walk for peace, which would become a witness to be passed on and carried all the way to Jerusalem. Each peace pilgrim could share a video on social media of receiving the cord, walking, and passing it on to another person beyond the screen, to animate even the virtual squares with our message of peace and of an unarmed economy.


It is inconceivable today to imagine traveling the distance between Assisi and Jerusalem on foot. Almost 4,000 kilometers, 8 million steps. Or maybe not: the idea is to start a worldwide crowd stepping campaign. It’s the equivalent of a crowdfunding campaign, but where you can donate steps, kilometers traveled on foot around the world for the cause.

The need for the journey to be done on foot allows us to draw attention to the integral ecology of Laudato Si’. An economy that recognizes the complexity of relationships that today keeps the cry of the poor and war victims tragically linked to the cry of the Earth.

This journey “divided into parts” aims not only to complete a symbolic challenge, but also to bring and live the Gospel Economy in cities around the world and in virtual squares.

Participants who wish to donate steps will be invited to read the Pact signed by The Economy of Francesco with the Pope in the places where they will walk, together with their fellow pilgrims or with some of the inhabitants. They will also be able to accompany their footsteps by carrying a Franciscan cord, a symbol of peace, and filming with their cell phone cameras the moment when, ideally, they receive the cord, walk, and finally give it to another pilgrim. These videos, along with readings in all the languages of the world of the EoF Commitment, will be shared and collected on social media using hashtags and – eventually – then compiled into a documentary film that tells the “steps” of this new economy with a soul.