Summer school “Renew my house” at Porta Coeli Monastery
The programme of the summer school was packed with themes relating to environmental and social issues that are crucial for today's society.
Hacia una Economía Integral. Visibilizando los capitales social-natural y espiritual. Es una vivencia destinada a jóvenes que se sientan interpelados por la Economía y los desafíos para lograr un pleno desarrollo humano.
Birth of the Economy of Francesco Foundation
“To promote and organize initiatives and activities in the cultural and spiritual sphere, scientific research, interdisciplinary training, enterprise and innovation; to foster awareness and responsibility for an economic and entrepreneurial life under the aspect of integral human development; to encourage cultural, academic, publishing and entrepreneurial experiences and paths.”
Justice for Animals: Three questions to Martha Nussbaum
On September 9th, philosopher Martha Nussbaum will deliver a talk at the EoF School. To introduce readers to the seminar’s theme, Martha Nussbaum graciously agreed to answer some questions regarding her book.
Journey to an Economy of Peace
In a world where conflicts and inequalities seem to dominate the economic and social landscape, building an economy of peace becomes an urgent need. The economy of peace is not just an abstract or utopian concept, but a concrete one that requires commitment, sacrifice and, above all, a new paradigm: that of the journey.
September 1-6, a learning experience on economy as a journey
An experience of training, reflection and study that this year will welcome about 50 young students, doctoral students, researchers and professionals from various fields from more than 20 countries around the world.
Diventare… Griot
Cinque giorni di incontri, talk, laboratori, visite e performance per esplorare possibili risposte a una domanda rilevante per l’oggi: di quali storie abbiamo bisogno per affrontare le sfide micro e macroeconomiche?
S4P – July 26, 2024
On Thursday, July 11, a group of approximately 𝟭𝟬𝟬 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘁𝘀 embarked on a mountain hike, and more steps in Bolzano, Dakha, on the St. Anthony path, in Mallorca, Cerro de la Virgen de Salta, Assisi, Lisbon...
8 Million Steps for Peace achieved: Crowdfunding Campaign to reach Jerusalem kicks off today
The crowdfunding campaign is now active on the website of the Economy of Francesco, and every donation, large or small, is of paramount importance.
Experiences from The Economy of Francesco International Summer School with a Latin American perspective
The summer school was titled “Economies for Good Living”.