Are you organizing or do you want to organize an EoF event in your city? Do you want to join your nearest local event?
Are you organizing or do you want to organize an EoF event in your city? Do you want to join your nearest local event?
Dal Piemonte alla Sicilia, sono 17 le regioni coinvolte oggi, sabato 10 luglio 2021, nella mobilitazione SlotMob contro l’azzardo promossa da “The Economy of Francesco” e dal Movimento SlotMob e con il coinvolgimento di molte associazioni e movimenti.
La manifestazione - mobilitazione del 10 luglio promossa da The Economy of Francesco e Movimento SlotMob: una giornata di festa e democrazia economica per dire no all’azzardo.
With a proposed Slot Mob released on July 10th in a country that needs to get off on the right foot we want to raise awareness of the following.
The campaign Slotmob The Economy of Francesco begins: an initiative of economic democracy and civil protest. / Começa a campanha Slotmob da Economia de Francisco: uma iniciativa de democracia económica e uma forma de protesto civil.
Last March, in the middle of the month, about twenty young participants of the Economy of Francesco, could share an experiential weekend in the French countryside between pedagogy, spirituality and concrete action
Listening, going to meet the other, especially the marginalized. Thus begins the path of collaboration between a group of young Latin Americans and CELAM (Latin American Episcopal Conference).
Almost 70 people responded to the invitation of the Global Call on Thursday 11 March, connecting from 24 different countries, representing the life and experiences they are carrying out in places around the globe, as animators of the spirit of EoF, bringing/dropping the global message in their local realities.