EOF Villages

The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. Villages are often crossroads and paths, places where different people and cultures meet. Even the “EoF villages” want to be spaces of dialogue and confrontation, of questions and perspectives, of reflections and proposals.

WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)

Is it possible for finance to be at the service of humanity?

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Finance and Humanity|Tags: , |

Is it possible for finance to be at the service of humanity? If so, how? The perspectives from a couple of Economy of Francesco participants. On this occasion, we want to share the testimony of Andrea and Vicky, both are enrolled in the Finance and Humanity village.

“The greatest profit that can be made is the common good”

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Vocation and Profit|Tags: , |

It does not matter if one analyzes this relationship of vocation from a person or a company; in any case, the important thing is to transcend. [...] It is to understand that from each vocation, the greatest profit that can be made is the common good.

Businesses should be at the service of society

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Business in Transition|Tags: , , , |

Personally, being part of EoF has been an enriching experience, I believe it's the start of something bigger, meeting and debating with other youth around the globe that have the same worry and curiosity for our economy, placing people at the center and taking into account the environment.

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