EOF Villages

The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. Villages are often crossroads and paths, places where different people and cultures meet. Even the “EoF villages” want to be spaces of dialogue and confrontation, of questions and perspectives, of reflections and proposals.

WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)

“We are the avantgarde of how the post covid world will be”

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Business and Peace|Tags: , |

This situation [the pandemic] is a real opportunity. We are one of the first worldwide communities built under these pandemic situations, meaning that we are an ongoing process born on this particular situation. So we are the avantgarde of how the post covid world will be.

Happiness, Policies and the Economy of Francesco

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Policies and Happiness|Tags: , |

My name is Tamiris Cristhina and I am a youth researcher from Brazil selected to attend the international event the Economy of Francesco. We started the process of formation in the Village Policies & Happiness reflecting on happiness. [...] During the last months we reflected about happiness in a way I never thought before.

The Economy of Francesco – Cuba

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Management and Gift, Territories|Tags: , , , , , |

“Achieving harmony between the social good and the common good is fundamental. There can be no divorce or the social good prevail over the common good and vice versa. It is complex, not easy but not impossible. Well, here human relationships come to play an essential role, keeping in mind the needs, interests and motivations of each person and groups”.

Decolonizing thoughts and valorizing the indigenous worldview

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Agriculture and Justice, News|Tags: , , , |

On September 9, the event Access to Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Communities was held via zoom. This dialogue is part of a series of webinars being held by the village of Agriculture and Justice and on this occasion the issue of justice from a Latin American approach was presented.

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