The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. Villages are often crossroads and paths, places where different people and cultures meet. Even the “EoF villages” want to be spaces of dialogue and confrontation, of questions and perspectives, of reflections and proposals.
WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)
Co-create the New Economy
The Vocation & Profit Village aims to engage young changemakers, economists and entrepreneurs in finding their inner call and proposing solutions to make the economy more fair, inclusive and with a positive impact for society!
School of civil happiness
On June 19 the Policies and Happiness village started a crash course on happiness and economics, approached through the lens of civil economy, open to all the participants of The Economy of Francesco
The pursuit of happiness … and beyond – J. Sachs
To happiness the same applies as to truth: one does not have it, but is in it. Indeed, happiness is nothing other than being encompassed, an after-image of the original shelter within the mother.
Time as a Gift
On the theme 'Time as a gift' the conversation starters Emanuele Mendola and Michael Walter, talked about volunteering and why we would want to dedicate our time to others (just like we do for Economy of Francesco)!