EoF ProView

There is a space between scientific research and divulgation. The EoF ProView wants to occupy that space. Through the publication of articles, the EoF ProView aims at disseminating knowledge related to The Economy of Francesco. As the name suggests, the focus is on the research of today that has a look to the future.

Laudato Si from the beginning to now: The Economy of Francesco (EoF)

May 26th, 2022|Categories: Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView|

Pope Francis reminds us of the care of our Mother Earth as the duty of custodians of creation. The journey between the encyclical Laudato Si and The Economy of Francesco (EoF) had enormous changes, and once again it questions us that the cry of the earth is also the cry of the poor.


May 18th, 2022|Categories: Contemporary Challenges, EOF ProView|

Pressoché triplicate rispetto a qualche anno or sono, la diffusione capillare e costante delle società benefit nel nostro Paese pone inedite ed importanti sfide (ambientali, sociali, culturali e normative) per quelle società che decidono fattivamente di coniugare al tradizionale obiettivo di profitto, una o più finalità di beneficio comune, e cioè operando in maniera responsabile, sostenibile e trasparente nei confronti di persone, comunità, territori e ambiente.

A new paradigm to rethink diversities

May 17th, 2022|Categories: EOF ProView, Miscellaneous|

Generally, when human rights and diversities are related, the term inclusion is the one that appears as a way of shortening distances and generating policies that legitimize these “Others”. This article presents a new paradigm to address the issue of disability, a specific field of study of the author, which can be applied to other socially vulnerable groups. 

Bartleby, the Scrivener (a Story of Wall Street)

May 11th, 2022|Categories: Books Proview, EOF ProView|

One cannot possibly trace everything back to an end or an ending. Some characters and stories escape the cages in which we try to trap them. We aim at enclosing them inside a circle, but they beg us to draw them in lines with an unclear end and perhaps an even unclear beginning. Their authors make the same request. Those who understand writing know that the rule is indeed the circle, but they are even more aware that the authentic kernel of the story lies in the line.

EoF Proview,  a column between the already and the not yet. An open space. Everyone interested in The Economy of Francesco can propose an article for the EoF ProView. [email protected]


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