Behind the scenes: keeping local enthusiasm active

Ottobre 26th, 2020|Management and Gift, Notizie, Territories|

With the awareness of our limitations, we know we have done a lot in our humble way, while leaving room for future improvement [...] This would demonstrate how “open” is the innovation process on which the entire project -which is so dear to us- is based.

“Transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind”

Ottobre 7th, 2020|Energy and Poverty, Notizie|

“The Energy & Poverty Village has been debating a way of transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind. We believe and defend a Social Green Deal, a great amount of effort towards a cleaner and more inclusive energy system in harmony with our "Common Home" as defended by Pope Francis”.

The benefit from gratuitousness. A special mindset for performing management practices

Ottobre 7th, 2020|Management and Gift, Notizie|

“[...] we have seen how blurred is the boundary between something that can seem a personal and inner call (the personal vocation to gratuitousness), and a concrete necessity of developing some methods to not lead the whole company structure to the mere research of profit”.

Economy of Francesco, l’evento: Dove due o più, nessuno da solo

Ottobre 5th, 2020|Main Stage, Notizie|

The Economy of Francesco si avvicina. L’appuntamento di novembre sarà la tappa fondamentale di un processo già avviato per annunciare e raccontare l'esperienza vissuta, il lavoro, le proposte e le riflessioni maturate in questi mesi. Un processo che i giovani sono stati chiamati ad attivare per aumentare il tasso di profezia nell’economia di oggi e di domani. E l’hanno fatto!

Decolonizing thoughts and valorizing the indigenous worldview

Settembre 22nd, 2020|Agriculture and Justice, Notizie|

On September 9, the event Access to Justice and the Rights of Indigenous Communities was held via zoom. This dialogue is part of a series of webinars being held by the village of Agriculture and Justice and on this occasion the issue of justice from a Latin American approach was presented.

Season of Creation: A season for undertaking prophetic actions

Settembre 2nd, 2020|Main Stage, Notizie|

Every year, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation is observed on September 1st. The international celebration marks the beginning of the Season of Creation, which extends to October 4th, the feast of St Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of ecology. For the 2020 Season of Creation, the suggested topic is “Jubilee for the Earth: New Rhythms, New Hope”

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