What’on. EoF life (featured on the IV Global Gathering and new stories)

Novembre 2nd, 2023|Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

Due to time constraints, it was impossible to report and explore all the initiatives of the EoF generation around the world, during the Oct the 6th Global streaming. Those we have been able to mention are just a few examples of the fruitful actions taken in different places and backgrounds.

A reflection by EoF Academy. Blindspots in Economics

Ottobre 14th, 2023|Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

We will try to give you the EoF Academy’s collective answers to the last questions that were posed to Professor Acemoglu: what are the blind spots of the knowledge surrounding economic issues? What are the topics, groups, and methodologies excluded or marginalized? What are we, as the EOF Academy, doing to start an active and generative change?

Dalla Colombia all’Italia, il 6 ottobre EoF è (((ON AIR)))

Settembre 23rd, 2023|Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

L'Università Cattolica della Colombia, l'Università La Gran Colombia e il Centro di Memoria Storica aprono le loro porte e accolgono i giovani di tutto il centro-sud America, in persona o virtualmente, per continuare a co-creare un'economia con un'anima.

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