Aprile 2021
Brussels Convention to explore ‘economies of care’
Young people from the Economy of Francesco network will participate in the Dare to Care International Convention which will take place online from 7th to 9th May 2021.
L’éducation des leaders de demain pour vocation
Last March, in the middle of the month, about twenty young participants of the Economy of Francesco, could share an experiential weekend in the French countryside between pedagogy, spirituality and concrete action
October 2, 2021: the EoF event
A due anni dalla pubblicazione della lettera del I maggio di Papa Francesco e dopo l’evento del novembre 2020, un nuovo incontro mondiale (2 ottobre 2021), chiama i giovani economisti e imprenditori del mondo ad unirsi nell’impegno comune di ri-animare l’economia.
A fire that kindles other fire… “THE FARM OF FRANCESCO”
We decided to focus on degradation of agricultural soils and the challenges that farmers, especially young people and women, all over the world live such as access to education, technology and capital to support their fight against soil degradation.