

1804 2024

Steps For Peace – Les Pas de la Paix (FR)

April 18th, 2024|Categories: News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: , |

Nous voulons parcourir les 4.000 kilomètres (8 millions de pas) qui séparent Jérusalem de la ville d'Assise. Un pèlerinage "par morceaux", pour se souvenir de toutes les guerres qui enflamment le monde, auquel chacun peut participer en donnant des "pas".

1403 2024

The Economy of Francesco workshop at the second Catholic CRO Woman Conference

March 14th, 2024|Categories: News, Territories, WHAT'S ON|Tags: |

On February the second Catholic Cro Woman Conference was held at the Catholic University of Zagreb. One of the workshops, entitled The Economy of Francesco, was prepared and led by Katarina Bukša (EoF hub Croatia) and Miriam Mary Brgles (Department of Sociology at the Catholic University of Croatia)

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