Solidariedade ao Estado do Rio Grande do Sul – Brasil
Neste momento crítico, em que enfrentamos desafios sem precedentes decorrentes das mudanças climáticas, é crucial expressarmos nossa solidariedade aos que estão sofrendo.
Steps For Peace – Les Pas de la Paix (FR)
Nous voulons parcourir les 4.000 kilomètres (8 millions de pas) qui séparent Jérusalem de la ville d'Assise. Un pèlerinage "par morceaux", pour se souvenir de toutes les guerres qui enflamment le monde, auquel chacun peut participer en donnant des "pas".
Steps For Peace – Passos da Paz (PT)
Queremos percorrer os 4.000 quilômetros (8 milhões de passos) que separam Jerusalém da cidade de Assis. Uma peregrinação "em pedaços", para recordar todas as guerras que inflamam o mundo, da qual qualquer pessoa pode participar doando "passos".
Marathon – Ask for Peace
This past Good Friday (29th of March 2024), we had the marathon “Ask for Peace”, a call from the Economy of Francesco Community and all those who share values of Peace with us.
Forum EoF in France – 16/17 mars 2024
The first "Economy of Francesco" forum in France was a great success! - Grande réussite du premier forum "Economy of Francesco" en France!
Colombia: Slain a woman and a teenager from the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó
'Let’s go forward together, even if it costs death.' Indeed, it came for two of them.
CleF session with The Economy of Francesco
Once more, the Christian Leadership Formation and The Economy of Francesco collaborated, while Professor Valentina Rotondi participated as the honored guest.
Steps For Peace
We want to walk the 4,000 kilometers (8 million steps) that separate Jerusalem from the city of Assisi. A pilgrimage "divided into parts" to remember all the wars that inflame the world, to which everyone can participate by donating "steps".
The Economy of Francesco workshop at the second Catholic CRO Woman Conference
On February the second Catholic Cro Woman Conference was held at the Catholic University of Zagreb. One of the workshops, entitled The Economy of Francesco, was prepared and led by Katarina Bukša (EoF hub Croatia) and Miriam Mary Brgles (Department of Sociology at the Catholic University of Croatia)
Verso la 50° Settimana sociale con EoF, scopri come partecipare
50° Settimana Sociale: pensiamo sia importante non far mancare in questo percorso lo stile, la visione e l'esperienza che in questi anni The Economy of Francesco ha maturato.