Insieme in Europa. Dal coraggio di cambiare all’azione per il Bene Comune

August 9th, 2023|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, News, Territories, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Lo Spiritual Retreat-Meeting2023 di UNIAPAC Europe, una realtà ecumenica che raccoglie le Associazioni confederate europee(per l’Italia l’UCID) di imprenditori, dirigenti d’azienda e professionisti cristiani, dal titolo:“Insieme in Europa. Dal coraggio di cambiare all’azione per il Bene Comune”.

The stories we are

July 25th, 2023|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

In the economy, today, there is a famine of narrative capital. Reviving and reliving the spiritual and ethical narratives in the context of our contemporary times is necessary. Giving a soul to the economy (Pope Francis, 2019) requires a reconsolidation, or perhaps a new foundation of narrative and social capitals to sustain human cultures on earth.

The active voice of diversities: a video project for the world

July 6th, 2023|CO2 of Inequalities, EoF PEOPLE, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Some members of CO2 inequalities village have been working together to create a video-project that will show the lived realities of different people who are marginalized by society. Something new in this project is its focus: the idea was created from a Model (the CLADM) which presents a new paradigm shift: moving from inclusion to acknowledgment.

Anche i giovani dell’Hub EoF Italia a “Fa’ la cosa giusta”!

March 10th, 2023|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, News, Territories|

Milano - Dal 24 al 26 marzo si terrà all’ Allianz MiCo (Pad. 3 e 4) la fiera “Fa' la cosa giusta”, manifestazione che ormai da anni ospita e diffonde sul territorio nazionale le “buone pratiche” di consumo e produzione, e valorizza le specificità e le eccellenze, in rete e in sinergia con il tessuto istituzionale, associativo e imprenditoriale locale.

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