Julie Nelson at EoF School

April 13th, 2021|EoF school, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON|

On March 24th the Economy of Francesco met Julie Nelson in her School. The dialogue on these issues was enriched by the presence of three young interlocutors: Serena, from the CO2 village of Inequalities; Olena, from the Women for Economy village; and Tracey, from the Work and Care village. The names of the villages speak even before the protagonists of the dialogue.


January 30th, 2021|Main Stage, News, Territories, Villages|

Nosaltres joves economistes, emprenedors i agents de canvi del món, convocats a Assís pel papa Francesc, l'any de la pandèmia de la COVID-19, volem enviar un missatge als economistes, emprenedors, responsables polítics, treballadors i treballadores, ciutadans del món


December 8th, 2020|Main Stage, News|

"An exchange on calls and expectations towards the Climate Ambition Summit, which will be held on the 12th of December on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement. The aim of this webinar is thus to urge governments to raise ambition through a faith, science, youth voice".

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