Education is the way to create lifelong opportunities, to generate peace, and to break the cycles of poverty and bigotry.
Education is the way to create lifelong opportunities, to generate peace, and to break the cycles of poverty and bigotry.
Saturday, January 28th, a marathon of reading ars narrandi, ars vivendi YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE ECONOMY OF FRANCESCO BESIDE IRANIAN AND AFGHAN WOMEN On January 28th, the young men and women of EoF are launching a reading marathon all [...]
Saturday, Jan. 28 ars narrandi, ars vivendi reading marathon: plan an event in your city THE YOUTH OF THE ECONOMY OF FRANCESCO SIDE BY SIDE WITH IRANIAN AND AFGHAN WOMEN Next January 28, EoF's youth and young women are [...]
In carcere si entra in punta di piedi. Per alcuni di noi è la prima volta: gli occhi cercano di superare la distanza delle grate, una accanto all’altra, da fuori sono tutte uguali. Nelle mani abbiamo un dono. È quasi Natale, vogliamo stare un po’ con loro. I nostri amici di Bollate.
A live-streamed reading marathon, from 7 to 9 p.m., in which young people each read for half an hour and in different languages, the famous oriental tales One Thousand and One Nights.
Economy of Francesco: una chiamata a creare una nuova economia per generare cambiamenti strutturali e sociali seguendo precise parole chiave: spogliazione, vita interiore e poveri
Two questions can help you on this path: What's behind it? and What for?
Más de 15 instituciones educativas de América Latina y el Caribe, se reunieron para impulsar una economía diferente, más humana, inclusiva y sostenible.
Il buio mostra le ferite della nostra umanità che cade a pezzi, arresa. Si alza una donna, leggerissima: un soldato, sembra, nel suo turno di guardia.
During the conclusion of the #EoF2022 event, the 12 thematic villages that are part of The Economy of Francesco presented a Final Statement. This declaration reflects the work and commitment of the members of these villages, and on September 24, this declaration was consigned to Pope Francis.