The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. Villages are often crossroads and paths, places where different people and cultures meet. Even the “EoF villages” want to be spaces of dialogue and confrontation, of questions and perspectives, of reflections and proposals.
WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)
Falling down of women occupation during pandemic
In the seminar, promoted by the Women for Economy Village, Gianna Martinengo, entrepreneur, was invited to share her experience and knowledge about the pandemic situation that changed the way of work and its impact on women's occupation.
The Human Right to international solidarity
In the era of economic, cultural and ideological globalization in which we find ourselves living, interdependence between people is increasingly proliferating.
We have to do what we have to do
Few days after Black Friday, we would like to share the interview with Olena Komisarenko, a doctoral student at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas, in Rome.
Pobreza y pobrezas, el punto de partida de un proceso de aprendizaje
āPobreza y pobrezas. Buscando claves para AmĆ©rica Latinaā es el tĆtulo del diplomado recientemente concluido en AmĆ©rica Latina, impulsado por el CELAM (Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano) e impartido por 15 jĆ³venes de The Economy of Francesco, como una contribuciĆ³n para dar una nueva alma a la economĆa.