

507 2022

Hope in the Form of a Book: Solidarity Economy for future generations

julio 5th, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Life and Lifestyle, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Who said that talking about cooperation, solidarity and solidarity economy is for adults only? Inspired by #FrancescoEconomy, Marcos Antônio da Silva e Silva authored a book that faces the challenge of explaining these concepts to children.

407 2022

Hacia Asís . El taller diseñado por Amaya que ayuda a los jóvenes a integrarse

julio 4th, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, Territories, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

The young Iberian economist has received several awards for her innovations. She will participate in September in The Economy of Francis: "I aim to foster a community that dreams big."

107 2022

Vandana Shiva: el mantra para el futuro es la declaración de San Francisco, Es solo dando como se recibe

julio 1st, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, Life and Lifestyle, Main Stage, Noticias, Villages, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

En estos tres años, la Dra. Vandana Shiva ha acompañado a los jóvenes de The Economy of Francesco. Hoy nos revela cómo San Francisco de Asís se ha convertido en una fuente de inspiración para ella y qué pasos concretos debemos dar para avanzar hacia una economía más justa y fraternal.

1806 2022

Guerra e pace, scelte di impatto sullo sviluppo umano, economico ed ecosistemi

junio 18th, 2022|Categories: Business and Peace, EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Il contesto attuale ci fa ripensare a grandi temi come la pace e la guerra. Martina Pignatti è direttrice della ONG “Un ponte per” che da oltre trent’anni agisce per dare uno spazio alla non violenza nella risoluzione dei conflitti e l’abbiamo invitata ad approfondire le questioni sociali ed economiche che la guerra porta con sé.

106 2022

Entrevista de EoF con Sabina Alkire: ¡Dios necesita que trabajemos juntos!

junio 1st, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, EoF school, Noticias, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

"Ve y repara mi casa", escuchó Francesco. La Economía de Francesco se guía por ese mismo llamado, que continúa inspirando a innumerables personas hoy en día. Sabina Alkire, directora de la Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI) de la Universidad de Oxford, es una de estas personas inspiradas que trabajan por la lucha contra la pobreza, una de las heridas más atractivas de la humanidad.

1005 2022

The better kind of politics in the context of crisis in Ukraine

mayo 10th, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, Noticias, Territories, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

We are young economists, entrepreneurs and change-makers in the world, we call to give spirit to the economy, and the need to stop the war, leave the weapons and return to the path of dialogue.

905 2022

Pacar School project: a bridge between technology and education

mayo 9th, 2022|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, Noticias, Villages, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Among the projects that have come to light within the first collaborative networks created within The Economy of Francesco is Pacar School, a bridge between technology and education. Today the members of this team tell us about the new steps and challenges to carry forward the development of this project.

505 2022

La historia. EoF sirve de puente para los derechos humanos: Pareja afgana rescatada de los talibanes

mayo 5th, 2022|Categories: Noticias, WHAT’S ON, WHAT’S ON|

De Kabul a Roma, pasando por Islamabad, el final feliz de la historia de una defensora de los derechos de la mujer, que pidió ayuda a unos jóvenes economistas y, junto con su marido, llegó a Italia.

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