Bando aperto! Opportunità di fondi ed affiancamento per supportare imprese sociali
HIC SUM: Arms and legs to the ideas, a tangible reply to the needs.
HIC SUM: Arms and legs to the ideas, a tangible reply to the needs.
Da 150 anni il Serafico si prende cura di bambini e ragazzi con grave disabilità. Sono mutati nel tempo i bisogni delle persone che varcano la sua soglia, e di conseguenza le nostre azioni, ma la nostra missione è sempre la stessa: rendere piena la vita dei più fragili.
En Cuba, los jóvenes de The Economy of Francesco (EoF) le apuestan a la siembra de valores y las capacitaciones para que los proyectos tengan una buena administración y puedan pronto ver los frutos de cada una de las actividades que realizan. Nos cuentan de estas actividades en el siguiente artículo.
La giovane è tra i partecipanti ad Economy of Francesco. Con il progetto 'Francesco Collaborative' promuove attraverso workshop e seminari un approccio solidale alla gestione degli affari.
Economic inequality is one of the most frequently mentioned forms of inequality and it is what is mainly included in the most recent Oxfam report.
In this short column on the recent Netflix blockbuster Don’t Look Up, Mateusz Ciasnocha – a participant of the Economy of Francesco from Poland and a Co-Leader of the Farm of Francesco project born within The Economy of Francesco – reflects on the movie and shares his three insights that emerged after watching and reflecting on the film with the EoF Community.
José Oscar, economista colombiano, lavora a modelli econometrici in grado di indirizzare gli investimenti: dal contrasto alla produzione di cocaina alla produzione di energia solare nelle favelas.
In the seminar, promoted by the Women for Economy Village, Gianna Martinengo, entrepreneur, was invited to share her experience and knowledge about the pandemic situation that changed the way of work and its impact on women's occupation.
The first seminar of the EoF Academy was held on Monday 20 December. The speakers were Mariana Reis Maria, PhD candidate in Economics (UNICAMP) – tutor Dr. Alessandro Fiorini - presenting a topic entitled Green energy finance: fiscal policies in the energy transition from an Agent-Based Model Analysis and Matheus Belucio, CEGAFE-UE University of Évora – tutor Prof. Giulio Guarini - with a presentation about the Analysis of the influence of philanthropy on eco-efficiency in 108 countries.
La Economía de Francisco, un camino nuevo para rehumanizar los negocios y la economía. Los días 11 y 12 de diciembre se organizaron ferias comerciales en las parroquias de El Caney y Santa Lucía, Cuba, donde participaron no sólo los proyectos de Economía de Francisco, sino también otros invitados.