The Economics of Biodiversity – Partha Dasgupta meets EoF Community

Maggio 3rd, 2021|EoF school, Main Stage, Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Cambridge, will be the sixth keynote guest speaker at the Economy of Francesco School. In preparation for this lesson, here comes a special dialogue with the Economics of Biodiversity Review team also exploring the synergies between the Dasgupta Review and the main pillars of the Economy of Francesco.

A fire that kindles other fire… “THE FARM OF FRANCESCO”

Aprile 30th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, Villages, WHAT’S ON|

We decided to focus on degradation of agricultural soils and the challenges that farmers, especially young people and women, all over the world live such as access to education, technology and capital to support their fight against soil degradation.

Ricchezza francescana: la EoF School si prepara all’incontro con Giacomo Todeschini

Aprile 26th, 2021|EoF school, Notizie, WHAT’S ON|

Todeschini è da tempo punto di riferimento per gli studi moderni sul francescanesimo perché non solo ha riportato l’attenzione degli studiosi sui grandi autori francescani non abbastanza considerati in passato, ma ha anche cambiato l’interpretazione classica del ruolo del movimento francescano nella nascita dell’economia di mercato.

Access to energy as a human right

Aprile 15th, 2021|CO2 of Inequalities, EoF PEOPLE, Notizie, WHAT'S ON|

Electric energy has enabled since the invention of the electric light bulb a remarkable human development and many people across the world take access to it as granted. However, not everyone has access to electricity in our common home, where approximately one billion people, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, lack access to electricity.

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