Cambiare le regole del gioco del sistema economico-sociale
Inizia la campagna Slotmob The Economy of Francesco: una iniziativa di democrazia economica e protesta civile. Unisciti a noi il prossimo 10 luglio e organizza uno SLOTMOB nella tua città.
EoF tales from the world
Lights, camera, action! Create a video about how something around you is changing through EoF and join the contest!
Slotmob The Economy of Francesco
Inizia la campagna SlotMob The Economy of Francesco: una iniziativa di democrazia economica e protesta civile. Unisciti a noi il prossimo 10 luglio e organizza uno SlotMob nella tua città, sarà inserito nella mappa degli EoF SlotMob!
Towards Oct 2. Our roadmap: the EoF Global Commitment
As we approach the EoF 2021 meeting, we would like to intensify our efforts to disseminate this commitment through various initiatives.
La campagna mondiale “A VACCINE FOR ALL”
Prenderà il via il 20 maggio per promuovere l’accesso per tutti ai vaccini contro il Covid-19 insieme a un’azione-simbolo per portare cure alle popolazioni native dell’Amazzonia. Promotrice una rete internazionale di organizzazioni di diverse culture e religioni.
A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now (part II)
The virus knows no terrestrial boundaries, we have to act to help each other. Otherwise, we might never be able to return to the previous extent of cross-border collaborations for economic and social progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now
Salvatore Pirri, research fellow in Health Economics and Data analysis at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, will join the round table A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now with Jeffrey Sachs, Catherine Belzung and Pasquale Ferrara, organized by United World Week.
The Economics of Biodiversity – Partha Dasgupta meets EoF Community
Sir Partha Dasgupta, Frank Ramsey Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Cambridge, will be the sixth keynote guest speaker at the Economy of Francesco School. In preparation for this lesson, here comes a special dialogue with the Economics of Biodiversity Review team also exploring the synergies between the Dasgupta Review and the main pillars of the Economy of Francesco.
Brussels Convention to explore ‘economies of care’
Young people from the Economy of Francesco network will participate in the Dare to Care International Convention which will take place online from 7th to 9th May 2021.
L’éducation des leaders de demain pour vocation
Last March, in the middle of the month, about twenty young participants of the Economy of Francesco, could share an experiential weekend in the French countryside between pedagogy, spirituality and concrete action