

2702 2025

Our Holy Door? Another economy to walk through

February 27th, 2025|Categories: News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: , , , , , |

The Jubilee is economic prophecy. It is not an interruption of the economy, but a refounding of it. It reminds us that the economy is not an end but an instrument, a necessary call at a time when the economy threatens to devour work, time and land.

2002 2025

Giving Care: (A) Time of Economic Change, Starting from Work

February 20th, 2025|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, News, WHAT'S ON, Work and Care|Tags: , , , , |

It is a great honor to announce that Jennifer Nedelsky, Professor Emerita of Law and Political Science at the University of Toronto, will join us in person at the Polo Lionello Bonfanti to deliver a keynote lecture in collaboration with the Economy of Francesco.

1301 2025


January 13th, 2025|Categories: WHAT'S ON|Tags: , , |

Attraverso le voci di esperti, momenti di confronto e sessioni tematiche, rifletteremo sul significato profondo del Giubileo e su come possiamo trasformarlo in una forza concreta per affrontare le sfide economiche, politiche e sociali del nostro tempo.

701 2025

A letter from Bishop Domenico for the beginning of 2025

January 7th, 2025|Categories: News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: , |

Dearest Friends, I embrace you all with eyes and heart, at the beginning of a year that for us has a special importance, after, under the gaze of the Holy Father, we have undertaken a new stage of the journey of The Economy of Francesco. (...)

1812 2024

Los jóvenes y la Economía de Francisco

December 18th, 2024|Categories: News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: |

La iniciativa de la EoF en estos cinco años ve y reconoce vocacionalmente que en la riqueza de la singularidad y diversidad de sus jóvenes y miembros, y a través de la genuina colaboración entre ellos se encuentran la fuerza, la esperanza y el motor de cambio para avanzar hacia una economía más humana, más justa y sostenible.

1612 2024

Encontros Economia de Francisco – in Caxias do Sul, Brasil

December 16th, 2024|Categories: News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: , , |

Escutando o apelo do Papa Francisco de REALMAR a economia, entendemos que era necessário começar a estudar esta proposta. Em 2023, fizemos alguns encontros em que refletimos juntos os princípios da The Economy of Francesco.

312 2024

Visit to the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development

December 3rd, 2024|Categories: EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON|Tags: , , |

"I remember sitting in the back seat of a car in a traffic jam outside Kolkata, India when I read the letter on my phone and knew with a fast-beating heart that I would do all that I could to take part in this initiative"

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