Gaël Giraud: Fighting crisis is not one-time battle, but a process

July 14th, 2022|News, Territories, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

We have interviewed Gaël Giraud and in a colloquial conversation, he talks to us about finance, environment, agriculture, education, etc. Coincidence? Not really. For Giraud, it is essential to see the whole, leaving nothing out.


July 9th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Rendez-vous du 22 au 24 septembre, de plus de mille jeunes du monde entier pour rencontrer le Saint-Père et signer un pacte pour une nouvelle économie. PAPE FRANÇOIS À ASSISE LE 24 SEPTEMBRE POUR L’« ÉCONOMIE DE FRANÇOIS » [...]

Hope in the Form of a Book: Solidarity Economy for future generations

July 5th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Life and Lifestyle, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Who said that talking about cooperation, solidarity and solidarity economy is for adults only? Inspired by #FrancescoEconomy, Marcos AntĂ´nio da Silva e Silva authored a book that faces the challenge of explaining these concepts to children.

Toward Assisi . The workshop designed by Amaya that helps young people integrate

July 4th, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, Territories, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

The young Iberian economist has received several awards for her innovations. She will participate in September in The Economy of Francis: "I aim to foster a community that dreams big."

Vandana Shiva: the mantra for the future is Saint Francis’ statement, It is only in giving that you receive

July 1st, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, Life and Lifestyle, Main Stage, News, Villages, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

In these three years, Dr. Vandana Shiva has accompanied the young people of The economy of Francesco. Today she reveals how St. Francis of Assisi has become a source of inspiration for her and what concrete steps we must take to move towards a more just and fraternal economy.

Esperança em forma de livro: Economia Solidária às futuras gerações

June 23rd, 2022|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, News, Territories, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Esperança em forma de livro: Economia Solidária às futuras gerações Artigo original publicado na EdC Brasil Quem disse que falar de cooperação, solidariedade e economia solidária é apenas para adultos? Inspirado por #FrancescoEconomy, Marcos Antônio da Silva e Silva [...]

Guerra e pace, scelte di impatto sullo sviluppo umano, economico ed ecosistemi

June 18th, 2022|Business and Peace, EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Il contesto attuale ci fa ripensare a grandi temi come la pace e la guerra. Martina Pignatti è direttrice della ONG “Un ponte per” che da oltre trent’anni agisce per dare uno spazio alla non violenza nella risoluzione dei conflitti e l’abbiamo invitata ad approfondire le questioni sociali ed economiche che la guerra porta con sé.

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