EOF Villages

I 12 “Villaggi EoF” rappresentano le sessioni di lavoro dei membri della community sui grandi temi dell’economia di oggi e di domani. I villaggi sono spesso crocevia di strade e cammini, luoghi di incontro fra persone e culture diverse. E anche naturalmente spazi di dialogo e di confronto, di domande e prospettive, di riflessioni e proposte.

WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)

Unlocking our inner call for a new economy

Agosto 1st, 2020|Categorie: Main Stage, Vocation and Profit|Tag: , , |

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, super motivated young people from various parts of a planet called Earth gathered strengths and gifts working together to build a better world”. By the young participants of Vocation & Profit village.

Fostering innovative and creative solutions for businesses in transition

Agosto 1st, 2020|Categorie: Business in Transition, Main Stage|Tag: , , |

Today the economy is facing great transformations [...] Companies are, therefore, increasingly called upon to respond to transformations that affect their purpose and their relationships both internally and outward.

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