I 12 “Villaggi EoF” rappresentano le sessioni di lavoro dei membri della community sui grandi temi dell’economia di oggi e di domani. I villaggi sono spesso crocevia di strade e cammini, luoghi di incontro fra persone e culture diverse. E anche naturalmente spazi di dialogo e di confronto, di domande e prospettive, di riflessioni e proposte.
WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)
Agriculture and Justice. For a sustainable food system
"One way to fight hunger is to seek fair agriculture". An interesting interview with Lilian de Pellegrini Elias, PhD in Economic Development – Unicamp, Brazil.
The on-life seminars came to an end
On 29 July the series On-life seminars. Moving towards a post-Covid better world organized by the scientific committee of The Economy of Francesco came to an end. It meant to explore some of the topics and challenges of today's economy.
Unlocking our inner call for a new economy
“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, super motivated young people from various parts of a planet called Earth gathered strengths and gifts working together to build a better world”. By the young participants of Vocation & Profit village.
Fostering innovative and creative solutions for businesses in transition
Today the economy is facing great transformations [...] Companies are, therefore, increasingly called upon to respond to transformations that affect their purpose and their relationships both internally and outward.