The Economy of Francesco workshop at the second Catholic CRO Woman Conference

March 14th, 2024|News, Territories, WHAT'S ON|

On February the second Catholic Cro Woman Conference was held at the Catholic University of Zagreb. One of the workshops, entitled The Economy of Francesco, was prepared and led by Katarina Bukša (EoF hub Croatia) and Miriam Mary Brgles (Department of Sociology at the Catholic University of Croatia)

From Colombia to Italy, on October 6 EoF is (((ON AIR)))

September 23rd, 2023|News, WHAT'S ON|

The Catholic University of Colombia, La Gran Colombia University, and the Center for Historical Memory will open their doors and welcome young people from all over the Central and South America, in person or virtually, to continue co-creating an economy with a soul.

La Economía de Francisco, una realidad multiplicándose en Cuba

December 21st, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, News, Territories, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

La Economía de Francisco, un camino nuevo para rehumanizar los negocios y la economía. Los días 11 y 12 de diciembre se organizaron ferias comerciales en las parroquias de El Caney y Santa Lucía, Cuba, donde participaron no sólo los proyectos de Economía de Francisco, sino también otros invitados.

We are not alone: responsible consumption, common good and future generations

November 9th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, EoF PEOPLE, HUBs, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

Ana Tamargo is among the organizers of one of the regional gatherings on October the 2nd, 2021. We met her. “I was born and raised in Caracas, Venezuela, and 7 years ago I moved to Madrid, Spain” – Annie continues. “I am currently working at the Corporate Responsibility Department of a Food Distribution Company and I am part of the Business in Transition village of EoF”.

Colombia: encuentro y construcción de un proyecto con impacto social

October 27th, 2021|HUBs, News, WHAT'S ON|

Un hub que, hasta hace un mes, se había organizado y trabajado de forma virtual, pero el 2 de octubre, con motivo del evento global de The Economy of Francesco, se dieron cita por primera vez, de forma presencial. Uno de los puntos de encuentro fue Bogotá, la capital de Colombia.

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