The story. EoF serves as a bridge for human rights: Afghan couple rescued from Taliban
From Kabul to Rome, passing through Islamabad, the happy ending of the story of a women's rights advocate, who asked young economists for help and, together with her husband, arrived in Italy.
Arrivederci Damiano!
ARRIVEDERCI DAMIANO! Abbiamo appreso nei giorni scorsi la notizia [...]
Encuentro de jovenes de la Economía de Francisco en Argentina
En la ciudad de Buenos Aires jóvenes universitarios, economistas, empresarios y agentes de cambio que respondieron el llamado del Papa Francisco se organizan rumbo al encuentro global The Economy of Francesco.
2nd round of the EoF school
Let’s get ready for the 2nd round of the EoF school!
The water Hyacinth of Benin: poison turned into green gold
The Economy of Francesco in Africa: the compost-producing weed has become a resource for local agriculture
Open GRANT! Opportunity of FUNDS to support social enterprise
HIC SUM: Arms and legs to the ideas, a tangible reply to the needs.
We are the wings of those who cannot fly
For 150 years, the Seraphic Institute has taken care of children and young people with serious disabilities. Over the years, the needs of the people who cross its threshold have changed, and consequently so have our actions. But our mission is always the same: to bring fullness to the lives of the most vulnerable.
A new economy means integrating all the dynamics of human existence
A new economy means integrating all the dynamics of [...]
Cuba: sembrar para cosechar una economía con alma
En Cuba, los jóvenes de The Economy of Francesco (EoF) le apuestan a la siembra de valores y las capacitaciones para que los proyectos tengan una buena administración y puedan pronto ver los frutos de cada una de las actividades que realizan. Nos cuentan de estas actividades en el siguiente artículo.
Elizabeth and ethical business for Big America
The young woman is among the participants in The Economy of Francesco. With the 'Francesco Collaborative' project, she promotes a supportive approach to business management through workshops and seminars.