A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now (part II)

May 14th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, WHAT'S ON|

The virus knows no terrestrial boundaries, we have to act to help each other. Otherwise, we might never be able to return to the previous extent of cross-border collaborations for economic and social progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.

A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now

May 6th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, WHAT'S ON|

Salvatore Pirri, research fellow in Health Economics and Data analysis at the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, will join the round table A vaccine for all. The Common Good our world needs now with Jeffrey Sachs, Catherine Belzung and Pasquale Ferrara, organized by United World Week.

A fire that kindles other fire… “THE FARM OF FRANCESCO”

April 30th, 2021|Agriculture and Justice, EoF PEOPLE, News, Villages, WHAT'S ON|

We decided to focus on degradation of agricultural soils and the challenges that farmers, especially young people and women, all over the world live such as access to education, technology and capital to support their fight against soil degradation.

Access to energy as a human right

April 15th, 2021|CO2 of Inequalities, EoF PEOPLE, News, WHAT'S ON|

Electric energy has enabled since the invention of the electric light bulb a remarkable human development and many people across the world take access to it as granted. However, not everyone has access to electricity in our common home, where approximately one billion people, mostly in Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia, lack access to electricity.

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