The 12 “EoF Villages” represent the working sessions of the participants on key topics of the economy of today and tomorrow. Villages are often crossroads and paths, places where different people and cultures meet. Even the “EoF villages” want to be spaces of dialogue and confrontation, of questions and perspectives, of reflections and proposals.
WHAT’S ON (news from the Villages)
Giving Care: (A) Time of Economic Change, Starting from Work
It is a great honor to announce that Jennifer Nedelsky, Professor Emerita of Law and Political Science at the University of Toronto, will join us in person at the Polo Lionello Bonfanti to deliver a keynote lecture in collaboration with the Economy of Francesco.
Insieme in Europa. Dal coraggio di cambiare all’azione per il Bene Comune
Lo Spiritual Retreat-Meeting2023 di UNIAPAC Europe, una realtà ecumenica che raccoglie le Associazioni confederate europee(per l’Italia l’UCID) di imprenditori, dirigenti d’azienda e professionisti cristiani, dal titolo:“Insieme in Europa. Dal coraggio di cambiare all’azione per il Bene Comune”.
The active voice of diversities: a video project for the world
Some members of CO2 inequalities village have been working together to create a video-project that will show the lived realities of different people who are marginalized by society. Something new in this project is its focus: the idea was created from a Model (the CLADM) which presents a new paradigm shift: moving from inclusion to acknowledgment.
Youtopic: A space to take a fresh look at the present and redesign the future
Youtopic, a space of coincidence, a space of joy and, most important, of hope. A space of dialogue and friendship.