

2610 2020

Behind the scenes: keeping local enthusiasm active

October 26th, 2020|Categories: Management and Gift, News, Territories|Tags: , , |

With the awareness of our limitations, we know we have done a lot in our humble way, while leaving room for future improvement [...] This would demonstrate how “open” is the innovation process on which the entire project -which is so dear to us- is based.

2410 2020

Conferenza Stampa in diretta streaming

October 24th, 2020|Categories: Main Stage, News|Tags: |

Si avvisano i giornalisti che martedì 27 ottobre, alle ore 10.00, avrà luogo in diretta streaming la Conferenza Stampa su “Economy of Francesco - Papa Francesco e i giovani da tutto il mondo per l'economia di domani”, che si terrà on line dal 19 al 21 novembre 2020.

1210 2020

International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

October 12th, 2020|Categories: Main Stage, Villages|Tags: |

On October 17, the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, The Economy of Francesco would like to contribute to celebrate the date by organizing an online conversation entitled "How do we measure poverty?" that will focus on extreme poverty as a multidimensional phenomenon.

710 2020

“Transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind”

October 7th, 2020|Categories: Energy and Poverty, News|Tags: , , , |

“The Energy & Poverty Village has been debating a way of transit to a low-carbon energy system but with no one left behind. We believe and defend a Social Green Deal, a great amount of effort towards a cleaner and more inclusive energy system in harmony with our "Common Home" as defended by Pope Francis”.

710 2020

The benefit from gratuitousness. A special mindset for performing management practices

October 7th, 2020|Categories: Management and Gift, News|Tags: , , , , , |

“[...] we have seen how blurred is the boundary between something that can seem a personal and inner call (the personal vocation to gratuitousness), and a concrete necessity of developing some methods to not lead the whole company structure to the mere research of profit”.

710 2020

Economy of Francesco, the event: Where two or more are gathered, nobody alone

October 7th, 2020|Categories: Main Stage, News|

The Economy of Francesco is fast approaching. The gathering in November will be a momentous step within an ongoing process to announce and describe the experience, work, proposals and considerations developed in recent months. Young people have been called to trigger this process to increase the rate of prophecy in the economy of today and tomorrow. And they did it!

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