2 de octubre 2021 EVENTO EoF – Programa en ES

September 25th, 2021|Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON|

Se acerca la cita global The Economy of Francesco 2021, el próximo 2 de octubre. En preparación al encuentro con el papa Francisco en Asís en el otoño del 2022, un segundo encuentro para jóvenes empresarios, economistas y agentes de cambio de los 5 continentes que se encontrarán contemporáneamente para compartir itinerarios y construir alianzas. Las iniciativas regionales culminarán con un evento on line global, en conexión desde el Palacio Monte Frumentario de Asís, que será transmitido vía streaming por el canal de YouTube de EoF. 

Together we stand – Il senso di manifestare

September 25th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, News, Territories, WHAT'S ON|

Sono oramai quattro settimane che, ogni sabato, i giovani di the Economy of Francesco manifestano nelle piazze italiane a favore delle donne afghane. La lettura delle testimonianze di queste donne è accompagnata da momenti di arte, letteratura, poesia, ma anche di silenzio e preghiera. Ma qual è il senso di manifestare?

Into the LABel – Interview with Elisa Andreoli

September 3rd, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, Life and Lifestyle, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON, WHAT’S ON|

After a three-year degree in Economics and Management, Elisa has reached the end of her studies in Sustainability and Tourism Management at the University of Trento. We get to the heart of the themes of Into the LABel thanks also to her thesis work.


August 18th, 2021|Business in Transition, EoF PEOPLE, Main Stage, News, WHAT'S ON|

In vista della 42esima edizione del meeting di Rimini, dal 20 al 25 agosto 2021, i giovani si mobilitano per una nuova economia. Intervista a Giacomo Ciambotti, moderatore e organizzatore dell'incontro “I GIOVANI PER UNA NUOVA ECONOMIA: DALL’ECONOMY OF FRANCESCO, UN IO IN AZIONE” 20 agosto 2021 - ore 14 - Sala Ravezzi

Creating a culture of peace and fostering a better world for our children to live

August 13th, 2021|EoF PEOPLE, News, Policies and Happiness, Villages, WHAT'S ON|

We met with the coordinators of one of the projects born within this village, named Children Flourishing Index. “Global talks is an initiative where we invite guests around the world so we can have conversations that matters” – they said. “Dialogues on how can we work towards a culture of peace, to create a world where children and future generations can thrive and flourish?”

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